Absolutely! The combination of our high-performance products and expert installation greatly reduce outdoor noise from entering your peaceful home.

Yes, prior to installation contact your energy company for their rebate procedure and we will help you with the rest!

Yes, we offer a lifetime product warranty for all our windows and doors.

All windows are custom ordered according to size, type, and specifications, which is why we provide our potential customers an in-home estimate. If you are looking to get a ballpark price, give us a call and we will be happy to assist you over the phone, with your future project!

Yes, we provide in-home estimates for customers to see their options and the cost of those specific options, in addition to answering all questions about the project. It is most beneficial for all homeowners to be present during the appointment.

Yes, our products are HVHZ Miami Dade approved.

DuraSash Windows provides window and door replacement in Pasco, Hillsborough, Pinellas, and Hernando Counties.

  • Hurricane

    Win the War on Weather with our windows and doors. In the Tampa Bay area there is no rain that pours hard enough and no wind that blows strong enough that can destroy our windows.

  • noise

    Our windows also are some of the most sound resistant windows in the industry. Our Window reaches up to STC 40. You will not find a better quality window, we guarantee.

  • Energy

    DuraSash Windows is one of the few window companies that offers Cardinal 366 glass, the most energy efficient glass available, that beats the heat and keeps the view while blocking approximately 98% of harmful ultraviolet radiation.

  • Quality &
    like no other

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Quality &
like no other


Win the War on Weather with our windows and doors. In the Tampa Bay area there is no rain that pours hard enough and no wind that blows strong enough that can destroy our windows.


Our windows also are some of the most sound resistant windows in the industry. Our Window reaches up to STC 40. You will not find a better quality window, we guarantee.


DuraSash Windows is one of the few window companies that offers Cardinal 366 glass, the most energy efficient glass available, that beats the heat and keeps the view while blocking approximately 98% of harmful ultraviolet radiation.

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